In this post I use BigQuery and Data Studio to explore changes in movement of people in Kenya during Covid19 pandemic. The data is downloaded from Google Public Dataset store.
Deep Learning is an exciting field in machine learning. Through deep learning, data scientists have access to a variety of tools to play around with datasets and to test different hypotheses. For instance if we wanted to quickly create deep learning model to classify car types, we will first search online for any publicly available datasets such as Standford's cars dataset. However if you are working on an edge case problem you won't have readily available dataset for easy download. In this article, I look at one of the ways to generate data for your deep learning projects
We have trained a machine learning model and created an app where everyone can play around with the data and make a few predictions with it. How do we make this app available on the web? In this article I look at how a streamlit app can be deployed on Heroku.
Is it possible to create a general machine learning model to predict the rental prices for apartments in any given city? Let's try it out using Airbnb data
This an analysis on trends in rent prices across major towns in Kenya. The analysis will check if there is consistency in pricing across these towns. How do prices in Mombasa compare to those in Nairobi?